
Proud receiving the ︎︎︎iphiGenia “Volition” Design Award 2021.

The award is presented and organised by the "international Gender Design Network/iGDN". Awarded for the first time in 2017, the design prize honours those designers and companies whose gender-sensitive design work is trend-setting and innovative in ensuring more equality among genders.

Jury statement: "The work addresses issues of design in the context of sexual health in a critical and playful way. It is not only about what is done for gendered bodies: it also asks who is allowed to be part of this process in order to take back control of body data and attain self-knowledge. As a participatory do-it-together (DIT) approach in workshops („Let’s Spit Hormones“ und „Make Your Own Menstrual Cup“), it encourages a feminist attitude towards open hardware.

The work was created in close collaboration with h/activist colleague and software developer Marie Kochsiek. It opens up a space to engage with taboos while stimulating debates about intimate technologies, body sovereignty and design beyond essential gender norms. Design as feminist hacking is a tactic of critical collectivity that demonstrates the limits of power through the process of “open-source commons-based making”.