
Tabu Jungle
an inspiring collaboration with ︎︎︎Dorota Orlof and ︎︎︎Yair Kira

APRIL 23 – MAY 7 2021

Bad Sex-Education or No Sex-Education: Many of us have gone through either of these. Much too often Sex Education is still framed in heteronormativity focussing on reproduction and contraception. We are not given a broader vocabulary beyond maneuvering risks, fear, and prevention. ‘Tabu Jungle’ is an experimental online event for initiating conversations around sexual health that are so important for our well-being and too often still kept silent.
illustrations: Dorota Orlof

This event is a German-Israeli Creative Adventure, created for the ︎︎︎People to People Playground Festival 2021, which is organized by the ︎︎︎German-Israeli Future Forum Foundation